Registering a death
All deaths need to be registered by the Registrar of Births, Marriages and Deaths in the district where the death takes place.
As of 9th September 2024 the laws have changed regarding death registration.
We can advise and guide you on this process.
Who can register?
Close relative of deceased
Relative in attendance during last illness
A relative living in the district where the death occurred
A person present at death
The person causing the disposal
Documents required
Medical Certificate of Death
Medical card if available or
Birth certificate & information regarding the date of the birth
Information required to register
Date and place of death
Full name of the deceased (maiden name if applicable)
Date and place of birth
Occupation and home address
If married, full name and occupation of surviving spouse
At the time of registration, you will be issued with the following:
Certified Copies of the Entry into the Register, which you require to settle the Deceased’s estate (these can be purchased at £12.50 per copy at registration).
The Certificate for Burial or Cremation (this is a bright green form that needs to come to us as it is an element of the statutory paperwork required for the funeral to proceed) Most cases this is emailed directly to the funeral director.
Worcestershire also operate a “Tell Us Once” system whereby they can deal with anything Government related for you (e.g. blue badge, pension, driving licence).
Registrar Offices in the surrounding areas:
County Hall, Spetchley Road, Worcester, WR5 2NP
Telephone 01905 768181
Worcestershire Royal Hospital, Meadow Level, Charles Hastings Way, Worcester, WR5 1DD
Droitwich Library, Victoria Square, Droitwich, WR9 8ES
Telephone 01905 768181
Park Side, Market Street, Bromsgrove, B61 8DA
Telephone 01905 768181
29 Easemore Road, Redditch, B98 8EE
Telephone 01905 768181
If you would like to book an appointment to register online, or require further information go to: